Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I never intended to run this small collection of blog notes, on the upcoming municipal election, more than a couple of weeks. I probably have gone a little past that but some things really started to bug me......and a few still do but nothing I can say or write will alter the attitude of entitlement, or the sense of divine right to govern one gets apparently, after winning an election.
There have not been enough election forums / debates in this municipality, and I don’t believe the upcoming all-candidates meeting will establish any more than the humdrum we’ve seen and read “plenty-of” so far. As far as a debate, that’s the platform to determine candidate moxy and their ability to ultimately defend, promote, and serve our community’s values over the next four year term. Unless you can have an unfettered, “let it all hang out,” debate, in full view of discerning voters, and the press, all you’re going to “hang out” is those stupid personal biographies about “how I helped my mother in the kitchen,” through to “I once donated a bag of groceries to a food drive.” Weak propaganda we can all do without.
A debate is when we, the informed, can take-on candidates who, apparently, pretty much on their own (for example), saved Gravenhurst High School from closing, when in fact we know it was not a solo effort by a long shot. This really bugs me when candidates, to pad their resumes, will make outlandish claims, when, if we have to get forensic, it was not quite as now presented in the march for votes. What we did to save the school, (of which my wife and I were committee members), just as many other efforts to improve our community generally, is what any concerned citizen should do to help out their hometown. I don’t take credit for saving The Bog, because it wasn’t a one man show. It was a legion of supporters, and whether I was a pivotal spokesperson or not, I would never put this on my resume, to garner votes. My happiness is seeing this wonderful urban oasis conserved. Just as I’m delighted the school has remained open, thanks to many concerned citizens contrary to some opinion.
Over the last few days I have been absolutely appalled by news of federal and provincial government debacles, from scrapping the long-form census, to interference in freedom of information requests, to the banning of certain classified junk foods from being sold in Ontario schools.....my boys loved pizza days but these may be fewer in the future, thanks to a government fanning out to over-govern us even more. I’d be delighted if the HST was removed from utility bills. Now that would be a vote getter.
The point has been, and what I have asked candidates via this blog series, is to set the bar a tad higher than it has been for the past several terms of office. It’s time to live up to a higher standard of competence, performance, and insightfulness. We have a huge task to rebuild confidence in our local municipal representation, and there needs to be a new attitude for one and all, who work and occasionally need to use our newly opened town hall. We require a welcoming, cheerful attitude over there, and a willingness to allow the stakeholders, us, more say in how this town is governed. We also need to stop the “tail wagging the dog,” as town staff, in my opinion, has become more powerful and influential than the elected officials. This is not an isolated complaint by any means.
I have my candidates selected but I will not use this blog site to advertise them or their specific mission statements. It wouldn’t be fair.
I hope that those who are elected for the next four year term, will be open minded and approachable. I trust they will honor their pledges, but be responsive to critical changes that may negate some projects yet encourage the advancement of others. It is this dynamic to meet challenges with skill and knowledge that we need the most, particularly as this lagging economy, locally and nationally, continues to present obstacles......locally keeping the Salvation Army Food Bank in great demand. God Bless these folks for helping our community help itself!

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