Monday, May 16, 2011


I am using Andrew's laptop computer this morning as we await our new desktop device, which is on the way from somewhere over the
rainbow, or so they tell me. Just when I got used to the last unit, the damn think goes up in a technological vapor, swallowing my copy without

even a satisfied burp. This morning my darling bride was to set me up on this infernal contraption, so that I could work on some backed-up

writing projects. She went off to her day job and left me with a laptop that shuts itself off. Seeing as I don't know how to start it back up again,

this is a wee bit of a problem. There are no words to describe my anger. I literally found myself staring out over the end of the earth, trying to

snatch back a few choice words to describe my what the cayote really, really wants to say to the roadrunner.
Now I bet you're saying, well, why doesn't the dumb-ass get trained on computer basics. It is a good point and I suppose there is no choice

now, seeing as my last Smith Corona manual was thrown out two weeks ago (I kept it as a threat to the previous computer, that if it let me

down, I would bring it out of retirement). As a writer I plan out my columns / blogs well in advance of sitting down in front of the keyboard.
This morning I had the bloody thing all prepared, paragraph by paragraph, and then the screen just grinned at me, as much to say, get lost you

jerk. So I stared at it for awhile, touched a few keys, it started to talk to me, and I eventually just left the scene of the unfortunate events, and

writing my column just seemed lustre-free.
So when Robert arrived on-site, he set me up for this short explanation, how a set-in-his-ways writer could not do any more than offer
a pathetic excuse, for not being able to work at the computer. As this is only a temporary computer arrangement, and the other unit is

apparently in the mail, I have made a pact with my numerous personalities, to try a little harder to learn computer technology......or quit writing

altogether. What a way to retire eh?
I loved those old manuals. They never betrayed me. Even without a ribbon it would leave me with an imprint. I could feel it. Now that was

the intimacy of writing the old fashion way!

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