Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Nationally, we are starting to hear and read about more Food Bank clients showing up, who have never needed assistance previously......but find themselves, even with jobs, to be unable to feed their families after all the bills are paid. It’s a frightening reality in my opinion, because it somewhat confirms that, despite what Bay Street and Wall Street are reporting of stocks, main street is still getting the crap beat out of it, and who is paying attention? They can tell us the recession is over but the tidal wave isn’t!
While Canadians have been over-spending, during the halcyon days of the most recent real estate boom, leveraging inflated values of their holdings to expand credit, getting laid off from a job now, gives only a few weeks of wiggle room before the real damage of credit flexibility and vulnerability collide......and the Food Bank gets its newest client(s). With the current credit crisis in Europe, and more unstable conditions in the United States.....affecting us whether we fully acknowledge the impact or not, means that true confidence in the global economy is a long way from instilling anything but trepidation. To say that the shaky global market is adding to the ranks of Food Bank clientele, is a stretch of fact..... and unrealistic at present, but it may not be this way for ever. News of economic woes scare off investment and word travels fast. It may be a problem initially for the governments of Ireland and Greece, but the negativity is a cancer with great room to expand. And it is!
When we put on a fundraiser for the local Food Bank, here in Gravenhurst, run by the kindly folks of the Salvation Army, we don’t do it because of global economics or even economic news of the day. We do it because we know the local Food Banks needs are increasing every year for a wide variety of reasons, and we just want to do our part in helping our neighbors. And so far, we’re well on our way to a successful show night, on December 18th at the Gravenhurst Opera House. Please join us for a wonderful evening of music and dance.....no charge. A donation at the door would be appreciated.
Watch for more updates!

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