Saturday, November 26, 2011



The nagging problem in Gravenhurst, is that ideas that would be flatly rejected by "critical thinkers," get approval by the tiny minority….., who come up with these exciting concepts, like adopting the American "Black Friday," shopfest animal show, (thankfully without the trampling and pepper spray) and what could have been a really nice Christmas season opening celebration, was marred by irony….by unfortunate, almost macabre symbolism, of having town fire trucks….lights engaged, blocking the Opera House section of Muskoka Road……such that many folks came up to the scene, during that period, looking to see what other main street building was a smoldering ruins. Emergency lights tend to do this! Excite those approaching the scene. To shop? Not really. The few administrative folks, in charge of these events, aren't being monitored….and that is scary. They are making decisions that affect community reputation, and this needs to be re-visited…….because I'm pretty sure having emergency vehicles in full regalia, lighting up the night sky, over and above the lights on the Christmas tree, wouldn't have been in the top ten ways, those of sensible proportion, might have opted to celebrate either the end of road construction, or the commencement of Christmas shopping on the main street. We always hope common sense will prevail in these situations, but it isn't happening…..and what will occur next.

Black Friday shopping isn't going to happen on the main street of Gravenhurst, the way organizers would like……because we don't have the abundance of retail opportunities that Macy's Department Store has. What we have here is a really nice downtown, with some fine businesses, that we're proud of……and the mainstream of good business practice, and attention to detail, and smart marketing, is what will win us the most business attention. Not adopting ideas like Black Friday.

The official Christmas Tree lighting. It could get better and more diverse, and using the Opera House and its square makes perfect sense. But here's an idea. Instead of having the shops open, let the business community have a night off……to join with customers, citizens generally, bring in some entertainment, and some food, and let's have a party, where community takes over……from commerce……for one night of, you bet ya…. "fun for fun's sake." Goodwill here, and Christmas cheer……these are investments that are required in this town, not ridiculous ideas that come from some other place….some other mindset, that is not in this community's best interest. It may have seemed like a cute plan to block the road…..which by the way wasn't necessary, (ribbon cuttings can be anywhere on the main street or sidewalk to make the point of "re-opening"), and set out emergency vehicles……to revisit the trauma of the past year….but it was not the kind of cheer most of us expected. A little fear, is more like it!

This is the time to instill a Merry Christmas cheerfulness in our town. The whole town . And the Christmas tree lighting, should have been a fountain of optimism, about a town renewing itself after a tough, tough year.

As for some reports that suggest "droves" of people attended the lighting event………..and in fact, there was nary a sign of anything that looked like a drove. As many coming up to the scene looking for "fire," as were in attendance for the official tree lighting.

I may be the biggest Scrooge or Grinch on the block……to those who thought this was a great plan. To some others however, I may only be a partial Scrooge, or Grinch, who isn't that far off base…….believing emergency vehicles didn't enhance the celebration.

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