Monday, September 12, 2011


I warned a few council hopefuls, a year ago, that the next four year term of municipal government would be the most difficult in modern, if not the entire history of the town. And they looked at me as if I'd said the silliest thing I could, without being part of the stand-up cast of a comedy festival. Well, so far, there hasn't been much to laugh about but I've been pretty close to my prediction. I don't really care that they brushed me off, as being the doomsayer amongst their rallying supporters, and their unmistaken pride at winning a popularity contest…..because the election, unfortunately for ratepayers, was little more than this……, the point is, there's a lot of dire consequence coming up for these same councillors to handle. And no, I don't envy them. But it will clearly point out to them just how serious a situation it is, to be a town representative, above and beyond the grip and grin photographs, and special event presentations.

There are some serious reports that surely must be nearing completion, and a recreation centre on the brink of opening, and an efficiency report as well, we'd love to know more about. What most of us see, from the outside of local government, looking in, is a body in great need of shaping up. I trust the experts will let us know the inside scoop, at some point, seeing as we are paying dearly for it!

The problems with fire aftermath, and the for sale stats on the main street, and the ongoing construction, certainly makes the situation ever more dire, when there is still expectation some of the reports to be released, will show taxpayers have been thrown down a slide with a sandpaper surface. You need not go further than the new roof for the recently acquired and remodeled town hall. In the private sector, heads would have rolled for these same circumstances, that had us purchase a building with an inadequate roof……that would cost us hugely to make the needed upgrade repairs. Why do I suspect the "oops…..we should have caught that," syndrome isn't done yet? And I'm pretty sure councillors are aware that they are going to be facing a real challenge, when the new rec. centre officially opens, and the day to day operating situations, stress test a building that has had more than its share of controversy over the past few years. It could be embarrassing for not only council, but citizens generally, who have looked to council and staff to get this job done properly. We want the kind of facility that will make us all feel, and taxpayers across the province and nation, who have contributed via grants, we got a good deal on a quality facility. Nothing less. Or council, regardless of their teflon traditions, will have to face the music, and a trip of their own down a sanded slide. I'm not stating anything that isn't obvious or part of the job of being our representatives.

I have a great deal of faith in the citizens of this town and region. We are a hale and hardy lot, used to having our local governments spend our money like drunken sailors. We're used to making stands, and defending the integrity of our communities, when at times, controversy mires our good nature. What we do want… insist upon, is for council to take responsibility for its shortfalls……just as they bask when times are good……and ribbon cuttings, ceremonial hole-digging and tree planting get them on the front page of the local press. We want them to shoulder bad news, and make us feel proud of the team we selected to lead our town. The next six months will tell us clearly, if we made wise choices, or just made a decision based on popularity, not the ability to handle near-impossible situations, and inspire confidence for the rest of us…….that we will improve and correct…..not sidestep and defer responsibility as a means of coping with the pulse of negativity, we have experienced most recently.

I am an eternal optimist. I will never change. My trust is with good leadership. I want to believe we have that in our town. I really do. But admittedly, from past performances, and some lethargy getting things resolved, I do have my doubts this council will survive intact for another three years.

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