Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Once the family business bean-counter, Suzanne, was finished with all the accounting for our fundraising variety show, for the Salvation Army Food Bank, well, we had found another hundred dollars to contribute. We had over-estimated the rental of the Opera House, and got a pleasant surprise that it was much lower than we had budgeted. We always over-budget! We hate shortfalls! The cheque for $902 is being presented later this morning (Wednesday).
Just for your information, and we have been asked this a number of times recently, (and it is a significant, valid inquiry), we have made a longstanding commitment to abide by the rules and fees charged at local venues, whether it is at the Opera House or the Senior Citizens Centre, where we have had numerous successful shows as well. We believe that these rental rates are fair and created by sensible folks, who realize what it actually costs to offer the site and services, and the costs of cleaning, staffing, services such as lighting and electrical, and overall administration. In the case of the Opera House, Andrew has been a long time employee of the Town, and we have never once asked for a special rate, not only under his circumstance of employment, and potential conflict, but because we are also taxpayers, and we insist on pulling our weight when it comes to rental costs. We know how to be frugal, and how to get the no-frills rate. We do provide our own technical support staff.
Each year council has to wrestle with requests for subsidies from user groups, and has a difficult time deciding which group deserves a reduction, and which doesn’t. We flatly refuse to have our cause weighed, and critically debated in public forum, in this fashion. Our sponsors were all aware, from the onset, of how we operate, and will operate in the future, when we plan our fundraisers at a public facility such as the Opera House. The Opera House needs to make money, and the taxpayers need the income on already burdened budgets. Our family businesses alone, contributed all but 19 dollars of the total rental fee of $519.00, which we think is a bargain, for such a wonderful entertainment venue. We do get a better rate because we are operating an event for a recognized charitable group but that’s by the terms of the contract, and not because we petitioned for a discount.
While we appreciate that some groups face different economic circumstances, and we don’t begrudge them asking for a discount, it will never be something we pursue. If the Town should decide on its own, to forgive a rental, that’s up to them and will not be the result of any request from us. As we, the voters, demanded a new era of budget restraint for the next four year term, from council candidates in the recent municipal election, we must abide by our conviction that we must all be budget conscious and sensible, for the welfare of the entire town.
Thanks again for all your support and encouragement for our Food Bank fundraiser!

1 comment:

Doog said...

I hear you Ted. We had a great time the other night, and a donation of over $900 is incredible after all is said and done! I for one certainly support the Canada Day concert idea. If anyone can pull it off, it is Andrew and Rob. I'd love to see them get a big name act in for that. As you know, Canada Day is always sunny and warm. No worries about taking it indoors! We certainly didn't do much the other night, but you are more than welcome for the support. I never mind helping out 'good people', such as your two guys.
Hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2011.
Once again, great job.