Thursday, November 25, 2010


It’s a world of despair it seems, if you are a newshound like me. I’ve always been obsessed with knowing what’s going on around me, and off in the distance. It’s why I became an historian and a reporter way back, and even though I’ve slowed down on both a tad in my elder years, I’m still as curious as ever. Admittedly the good news of the day doesn’t cancel out the bad......and of course it shouldn’t. I’m a realist and just because I refuse to acknowledge a story I don’t like, doesn’t mean it will go away or correct itself. The news about Haiti is most seriously depressing and it’s certainly a precarious day when the North and South Korea are lobbing bombs back and forth. Yet I am as much, relieved by the fact there are so many folks who are unyielding optimists, and forever compassionate, regardless the circumstances, regardless the place on earth most in need.
While many of us have sent in donations to help ravaged areas and people on this planet, we are always pleased to find out that these same folks haven’t forgotten the problems in their own home region either. And while it’s impossible to balance what should be going to Haiti, to assist with this latest disease outbreak, and what should be spent right here to help feed our citizens in need, kindness prevails despite fiscal stresses elsewhere. It is always a difficult situation to have to divide this fiscal generosity and as far as the horizon, there is need for more and better relief efforts.
We are always impressed by citizen generosity, and we know so many have tapped themselves out donating to good and important causes. And when we hold our fundraiser, on Saturday, December 18th, at the Gravenhurst Opera House.....a grand Christmas Variety Show, we won’t even ask you for a dime to come and enjoy the festivities. NO tickets will be sold. If you have the resources to offer the Salvation Army Food Bank a donation of a non-perishable food item(s) or a cash amount, we will gladly accept it on their behalf at the door. For quite a number of years now we have been able to turn over a small but significant donation to the Food Bank to help out our neighbors who have fallen on hard times. We’re hopeful this year will be the same.
It is a difficult time globally and it’s good to know we are in company of so many kind hearted folks, who have donated to aid projects all over the world.....and still offered up donations to help out their home region. Merry Christmas.
Watch for more event updates on this blogsite.

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